John Gurtz > Portfolio > Application Form for all screen sizes

Application Form for all screen sizes

This was a huge project. It was the first product application this bank was making for all screen sizes: from desktop to mobile. The team was also enormous. There were 4 User Experience staff on the project, myself included.

I focused my contributions on design documenation that intuitively explained how the design adapted between big and small screens, organization of the screen by screen flow and ensuring the voice of the customer through user research.

Design artificats I made took the form of flow charts and requirement specifications. I also arranged the mockups into a clickable prototype for user testing.

For user research, I organized the background and goals to help the research staff create and perform usability exercises on the design. I even programmed end to end high fidelity prototypes for testing. I even facilitated a couple of sessions.

Image captured on US Bank's website, May 2020.

A screenshot of a prototype used in user testing.

© John Gurtz 2024