John Gurtz > Portfolio > Python


Pandas and NumPy

I can run some basic statical calculations and organize an output. In lieu of a GitHub profile or some other code sharing, I have a screen shot below of part of some of the code I've written.


With Matplotlib I can generate visualizations of data wrangled and organized with Pandas and other Python modules. Below are visualizations of splits (time spent running a specific distance) I have of myself running up a big hill called Brookway from January - February in 2023.

Cut Throat Euchre

I made a 3 player version of Euchre with Python and tkinter. You play against 2 AI players. This is a rough prototype that is currently playable but may have content, usability and other issues. If you want to play a download link is after the instructional image below.

To play the game, download the file with the link below, unzip the folder and open the file called Cut Throat Euchre.

Download Cut Throat Euchre

© John Gurtz 2024